To: Name, Title or Position (optional), Name, Title or Position (optional), President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop the MERS Fraud and selling of consumers confidential information.

I had filled out an application with Bank of America that was submitted to MERS and then uploaded to their fraud alert data base. MERS is selling my confidential information and accounts for spam phone calls and emails I have been receiving. I am open to identity theft along with over sixty million people in this country MERES holds confidential information on. MERS is an instrument crafted by the big banks to deceive investors and avoid paying taxes that helped cause the housing crisis. Not only should MERS never have been allowed to exist I demand that MERS be held accountable for the damage they have caused. MERS should be penalized and abolished and regulations are needed to insure deception and damages are not allowed to this extent ever again. I ask that FCC, FBI and all other agencies with authority over these issues make bringing MERS to justice a priority,

Why is this important?

Mers holds and is selling confidential information dealing with millions of American consumers. MERS is an instrument used and helped cause the housing crisis. Millions of mortgages do not comply with state statues and documents may have never existed to be given when loans are paid in full. Not only has MERS not been stopped since the housing crisis but has expanded. Mers was created to deceive investors and avoid taxes with Banks not registering mortgages with local counties.