To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Stop the Monsanto Protection Act

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Written anonymously and passed in secret, the Monsanto Protection Act allows big corporate agri-businesses to ignore court orders blocking the sale of genetically-engineered seeds.

We call on Congress to stop the Monsanto Protection Act, and to reject any attempts to extend it past September 30.

Why is this important?

The Monsanto Protection Act is an outrage. It allows big agricultural and biotech corporations to ignore food safety regulations and sell genetically engineered foods even after a court order to stop.

The good news? The Monsanto Protection Act expires on September 30.

The bad news? Some in Congress want to extend the Monsanto Protection Act as part of the must-pass budget bill that will keep our government operating past September 30.

The Monsanto Protection Act was written anonymously and in secret - and prevents courts from doing their jobs. For Americans concerned about health and environmental damage, it leaves no legal recourse.

We have to act now to stop big special interests from running roughshod over our democracy.