To: Dan Staackmann [email protected], Village President, Daniel DiMaria, Trustee, Trustee, Larry Gomberg, Trustee, Bill Grear, Trustee, Shel Marcus, Trustee, John C. Thill, Trustee, Trustee, Maria S. Toth,, Trustee, and Tony K...

Stop the Morton Grove waste transfer station

How could you allow this to happen behind the backs of Morton Groves citizens? Why were we kept in the dark? Who does this deal benefit because it is not the citizens of Morton Grove? Stop it now.

Why is this important?

Morton Grove officials havde negotiated a contract with Lakeshore Waste Services to build a waste transfer station near Niles West High School. There has been little to no communication with the community about this issue. This is a dirty deal done under the table. It will bring tons of waste, stench and vermin into Morton Grove. It will increase traffic congestion in a residential area.
