To: concerned citizens

STOP the needle exchange in Falmouth, Ma

Petition to STOP needle exchange at 65 Town Hall Sq Falmouth, Ma 02540

Why is this important?

This petition is aimed to put a stop to the needle exchange proposed at 65 Town Hall Sq in Falmouth, Ma. The heroin epidemic has become out of control in Falmouth and we believe this needle exchange will only make it worse. Would you want to see, or worse, your kids to see someone shooting up while you are bowling, taking care of any business at Town Hall or going for a walk on Main St? I certainly don't!

The next logical step is a methodone clinic, then a homeless shelter and then we become Brockton by the Sea. This will make a once great town into a town no tourist will want to travel to or any current resident will want to stay in.

This is not designed to go after the addicts. If this was a program to help addicts seek recovery, we wouldn't have an issue. A needle exchange is the town saying "it's okay to shoot up here and as a matter of fact we encourage it." Please do your part and sign this petition to keep Falmouth beautiful. A needle exchange will cause more problems than anyone realizes.