To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Stop the needless animal slaughter by the National Park Service

Thousands of mammals being Killed at Cape Hatteras National Recreational Seashore, Buxton, North Carolina!

Under the umbrella of the Audubon Conservationists and their paid henchman, the lawyers at the Southern Environmental Law Center, SELC, National Park Service paid assassins have savagely “bear claw” trapped and then shot thousands of innocent mammals at Cape Hatteras National Recreational Seashore!

Some, primarily raccoons, were humanly trapped in “live traps” only to be taken to the Dare County Sheriff’s pistol range and shot in the cages, in full view of their terrorized families and friends. Some animals evaded capture by chewing off their own trapped limbs! Our tax dollars hard at work? Where is the outrage? Please post and urge your friends to send this to any of their bird watching friends and local, regional, state and national Audubon chapters.

The URL below is for an article on these brutal actions is from The Virginia Pilot, a nationally recognized regional newspaper covering lower coastal Virginia’s Hampton Roads and North Carolina’s internationally and nationally award winning beaches of the beautiful Outer Banks of North Carolina.

I’m not tech savvy in the means to get a story to go viral. Maybe some of you can help in this effort.

Why is this important?

National Park Service paid assassins have savagely “bear claw” trapped and then shot thousands of innocent mammals at Our Cape Hatteras National Recreational Seashore!
