To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop the Nuclear Waste Dump in Texas

Our country can not risk having a Nuclear Waste site over the ground water needed by four states. Geologists say this site would inevitably leak, contaminating drinking water for millions of people. Harold Simmons should not be able to bribe Rick Perryand the Texas State Legislature with $ millions in campaign contributions, which is corruption at the highest level.
History has demonstrated that there are nuclear diasters occurring everywhere and this could become one of them.

Why is this important?

Texas may approve billionaire Harold Simmons to build the largest nuclear waste sight in Texas above ground water that needed by four states. The site would accept nuclear waste from all around the country. Geologists say the dump will inevitably leak nuclear waste into the aquifers.

Harold Simmons has donated $ millions to Republican causes and gave $1.2 million to Rick Perry for his Presidential campagne. He was disowned by his daughter for making campaign contributions in her name.