To: The United States House of Representatives

Stop the Obstructionist Gridlock

The American People have spoken in the recent election. We do not want continued Congressional obstructionism by Republicans. We are fine with higher taxes for the very wealthy, immigration reform, women owning their own bodies, and affordable health care for everyone. Stop the Congressional gridlock and work with our elected President for the good of the American people.

Why is this important?

In the recent election, the American people reconfirmed our belief in a government that serves all of the American people, not just the wealthy, white, or male members of our society. It is time that the obstructionist "right" in Congress woke up (grew up?), smelled the coffee, and went to work with our President for the American people instead of bull-headedly beating on their own outdated ideology. I do not want to see even two more years of the gridlock that kept us from moving forward in the last two. Our President deserves better than that.
