To: The Florida State House and The Florida State Senate

Stop the "Parent Trigger" Bill

I am the parent and/or grandparent of a child in the public school system. Please do not sign the "Parent Trigger" bill. I believe that it will result in more money for private Charter Schools which are not held up to the same high standards as Public Schools, while decreasing the amount of money for our already suffering Public Schools.

Why is this important?

This bill is seen by education experts as a devious and underhanded attack on your local public schools and hardworking teachers.

Every credible parent group in Florida, including the PTA, is opposed to this bill because it will ultimately hurt students. In fact, this bill will only help private education companies and corporations who want to force taxpayers to pay them to run “for-profit” unaccountable charter schools. These schools are not held to the same standards as public schools.

Even worse, the corporate lobbyists who are promoting this legislation were caught misleading the public and Legislators by saying parents support this bill. That is a lie. Again, every parent group in Florida opposes this “parent trigger” bill.