To: The Mayor and Local City Officials in Dunn, NC and Police Chief of Dunn, NC

Stop the Pit Bull Ban in Dunn, NC

Stop the Pit Bull Ban in Dunn! Take a stand for responsible dog ownership and be the voice for the Pit Bulls of Dunn. There are no bad dogs, only bad owners. Let the City know that its citizens will not let IGNORANT breed-specific regulations pass in Dunn. It is time Harnett County public officials took notice of animal cruelty and neglect. Let them know that you want to punish the CRIMINAL owners and NOT the INNOCENT dogs!!!

Why is this important?

Dunn's Police Chief is advocating a city-wide ban on pit bulls. Why aren't we punishing irresponsible owners, instead of the breed!?! Sign this petition to be a voice for the innocent bullies that cannot speak for themselves!
