To: The United States Senate
Stop the polar bear trophies!
Please do not permit slaughtered polar bears to become trophies.
Why is this important?
Defeat S.3525, sponsored by Sen. John Tester (D., Montana)
which will permit the importation of 41 polar bear carcasses from Canada, slaughtered 4 years ago, and ruled as illegal to import to US. Turning this endangered specie into trophies for the amusement of "sportsman" is only slightly less appalling than turning human skins into lampshades. Please notify your senator to vote NO. HURRY, as it is slated for a vote tonight, Tuesday 13 Nov. 2012.
which will permit the importation of 41 polar bear carcasses from Canada, slaughtered 4 years ago, and ruled as illegal to import to US. Turning this endangered specie into trophies for the amusement of "sportsman" is only slightly less appalling than turning human skins into lampshades. Please notify your senator to vote NO. HURRY, as it is slated for a vote tonight, Tuesday 13 Nov. 2012.