To: Axel Strakeljahn, POB Commissioner, Larry Stokes, POB Commissioner, Roger Zabinski, POB Commissioner, and Name, Title or Position (optional)

Stop the Privatization of the Bremerton Marina

Stop the Sale and Privatization of the Bremerton Marina. Selling and privatizing a public facility never is, never was, and never will be, an effective or lasting solution to corrupt politicians or mismanagement. Selling and privatizing the marina if allowed, will assuredly only result in 1) loss of local jobs, 2) decreased tourist revenue, 3) higher facility maintenance costs or severe neglect of facility maintenance and 4) further restrictions to free unfettered public access to the facility.

Why is this important?

The Bremerton Marina is a wonderful public dock and salt water access area on the City of Bremerton water front. The recent downturn in the national economy in conjunction with continued mismanagement of the marina, by both the Port of Bremerton Commissioners and upper level facility management has created a situation where the marina is continually short of revenue. As a result, of this shortfall, the only solution the Port of Bremeton's Commissioners are proposing ss that they should be allowed to sell and therefore privatize what is and should remain a publicly owned facility and highly valuable piece of water front infrastructure.