To: James Simpson, Chairman, NJTA, Harold L. Hodes, Commissioner, NJTA, Ronald Gravino, Vice President, NJTA, Michael R. Dupont, Treasurer, NJTA, Raymond Pocino, Commissioner, NJTA, Ulises Diaz, Commissioner, NJTA, Jan Walden, Commissioner, ...

Stop Gov. Christie's Plan to Privatize NJ Turnpike Toll Operations

Two years ago, Governor Chris Christie and the New Jersey Turnpike Authority (NJTA) forced massive cuts in income for New Jersey's toll operators, resulting in a 30% cut in their annual income.

Now, Governor Christie and the NJTA are pushing for a privatization plan that would lay off and privatize as many as 800 jobs.

Why is this important?

Despite the fact that New Jersey has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, the NJTA is considering a privatization plan that could cost hundreds of New Jersey residents and tax payers their jobs. This plan would result in a lower quality of life for toll operators while having no proven benefit for New Jersey motorists.

New Jersey's tolls bring in more than $1.6 Billion annually. The best case scenario has privatization saving between $5 and $6 million a year. This plan would have a slight benefit for New Jerseyans at the expense of hundreds of working families.