To: The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, and Governor Kate Brown


Give the horses a chance. Educate yourself as to who the horse is. Don't allow the re-opening of slaughter houses where perfectly healthy young horses will be slaughtered for meat for France, Belgium and Japan and perhaps other countries. Americans must inform themselves to these horrifically cruel practices taking place, even baby horses are being slaughtered in ways one cannot even imagine.

Why is this important?

Slaughter houses have been closed for several years now, but a bill was recently signed allowing the re-opening of Horse Slaughter Houses for creating available horsemeat for France, Belgium and Japan. We in the U.S. do not eat horsemeat. This a repugnant, disgusting, cruel, and unecessary. Think what the noble horse has done for mankind, pulling wagons, plows, taxies, and dying on the battlefields of wars. The federal government must creat LOW COST Horse clinics where the very ill, diseased, very old etc. can be put down humanely for low costs. Other things we can do is set aside alotments on land for more dirt roads for riding, to bring back the usefulness of a horse but with excellent treatment and care. Horses are fragile, intelligent, devoted big creatures to those who love them. We must give them the decent good lives they deserve. Education, education, education is needed to promote good useful lives for horses.
