To: The United States House of Representatives

Stop The Repeated Repeal Attempts Of "Obamacare"

Stop Obstructionist Repeal Votes Of The Affordable Care Act in Congress.

Why is this important?

The republicans in congress, despite all the challenges the country faces, have tried to repeal the law that is The Affordable Care Act 37 times.
This dog and pony show takes up the time that Congress has to address the nations problems and taxpayer dollars. One estimate is 80 hours of time on the Congress floor, and over 55 million dollars. These figures probably represent the tip of the iceberg.
Having been upheld by the Supreme Court as constitutional, not to mention clearly in the interests of the voters, and demonstrably reducing health care costs, these congressmen should be made to seek another venue for their failed minority opinions.
They should use their own time and money to persue their hobbies and be prevented from the obstruction that 37 failed attempts to repeal The Affordable Care Act represents.