To: The Wisconsin State House, The Wisconsin State Senate, and Governor Tony Evers

Stop the slaughter of 5,000 black bears in Wisconsin

Stop the hunter/trapper exclusive control of our DNR and the slaughter of Wisconsin black bears. Two-thirds will be killed as yearling cubs over packs of dogs and bait set since April. Help our bears!

Why is this important?

Black bears are peaceful, shy beings who live in harmony with nature, but the state agencies are killing brokerages. Wholesale destruction of the natural world and other species is the really important issue now. The slaughter, over packs of dogs and bait, and 20,000 hounders and their dogs, starts Sept. 5 - Oct. 9, 2012. The DNR is promoting running packs of dogs on bears starting July 1 through the kill - for 15 weeks of disruption of all ecosystems. Bears need to put on fat for winter hibernation to take care of their babies. We must ORGANIZE for change now.
