To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop the Slaughter of The Wild Horses

The BLM is conducting this roundup for the Rock Springs Grazing Association, a group of ranchers that last year -- at the urging of the Interior Department -- filed a lawsuit against the BLM seeking removal of all wild horses from a 2 million acre swath of land known as the "Wyoming Checkerboard." AWHPC, the Cloud Foundation and the International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros have intervened in the case to defend Wyoming's mustangs, yet the BLM is moving forward with the elimination of horses from these lands before the court has even issued a single ruling!

In addition, AWHPC has just learned that BLM intends to lease parcels of public land in this area for oil and gas exploration, yet has failed to disclose that some of the lands that will be leased are in Herd Management Areas -- including Adobe Town and Salt Wells Creek -- and has failed entirely to analyze the effect of that action on wild horses who live in the area! Go to :

Why is this important?

Protect America's wild horses
