To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


In a split decision the court ruled that even when a person who is the subject of a law enforcement investigation has refused to have his home searched by police, the Supreme Court determined that, if law enforcement officers simply ask another person who happens to live at the same address while the investigatory target is in custody, the law enforcement agents can now accept that third party’s consent and not have to seek a judge’s order to conduct a search. This ruling will allow for unreasonable searches and seizures and our communities are already being terrorized by dirty cops who hide behind the law. Please sign to ask the courts to re-review and overturn this ruling. Please sign this petition and share.

Why is this important?

In a split decision the court ruled that even when a person who is the subject of a law enforcement investigation has refused to have his home searched by police, the Supreme Court determined that, if law enforcement officers simply ask another person who happens to live at the same address while the investigatory target is in custody, the law enforcement agents can now accept that third party’s consent and not have to seek a judge’s order to conduct a search. This ruling will allow for unreasonable searches and seizures and our communities are already being terrorized by dirty cops who hide behind the law. We believe in the least, if entry is authorized by another party residing in the home, the only area's that should be subjected to search, should logically be only the private room of the person who agree's to allow a search without a warrant. Also, the search should be video taped to ensure the boundaries of the search are confined to only the private area of the person who consented to such search. Please sign to ask the courts to re-review, reconsider and/or overturn this ruling. Pass along the petition by sharing with all email contacts and on all social networks.
