To: FCC Chairman Ajit Pai
Stop the T-Mobile / Sprint merger!
A T-Mobile/Sprint merger would reduce competition in the wireless market and lead to higher prices for wireless customers. Low-income Americans who disproportionately rely on T-Mobile and Sprint for more affordable services may also find themselves displaced from wireless access.
I urge you to block this merger and support a marketplace that offers competitive and affordable services for all Americans.
I urge you to block this merger and support a marketplace that offers competitive and affordable services for all Americans.
Why is this important?
T-Mobile & Sprint are pushing a $26 billion merger that would combine the third and fourth largest wireless carriers in the country. That’d mean less competition, higher prices, and fewer options for wireless customers -- particularly for low-income and other marginalized communities that rely on affordable wireless service.
Simply put: if this deal goes through – we all lose. A marketplace where Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile call the shots means fewer choices, higher prices, and a wider digital divide.
Our democracy depends on all Americans having the tools they need to communicate with each other and fully participate in a 21st century society.
Simply put: if this deal goes through – we all lose. A marketplace where Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile call the shots means fewer choices, higher prices, and a wider digital divide.
Our democracy depends on all Americans having the tools they need to communicate with each other and fully participate in a 21st century society.