To: UC Board of Regents

Stop the tuition hikes!

The University of California system should stop the 5% per year tuition increase on UC students!

Why is this important?

California has a proud history of state-funded public education. It's all about access -- affordable public education has allowed men and women from low-income and working class backgrounds to secure a quality education. Affordable public education is not only a right but an opportunity for greater social change.

Raising tuition rates 5% each year puts unfair strain on students from lower socio-economic backgrounds. These hikes will transform our public university system from a public good for everyone into a privilege for only those who can afford it.

Our students deserve better than to shoulder the burden of poor public policy and state divestment from higher education. Our state schools need state support, not tuition hikes. Join me in demanding an ending to the 5% tuition hikes every year for the University of California system.