Michigan Constitution Article 1 Section 21 No person shall be imprisoned for debt arising out of or founded on contract, express or implied, except in cases of fraud or breach of trust. People should not be put in jail for child support it doesn't teach them anything just makes the families and people suffer.
Why is this important?
To stop people going to jail for child support. My deadline is to get this changed as soon as humanly possible. I will do whatever it takes to change this. I have been personally effected by this issue because my fiance just got picked up 3 days ago and taken to jail for child support what is putting them in jail gonna make them do. The ones who want to pay it struggle every day to pay it and get sent to jail lose their jobs and have to start all over from scratch. The ones who refuse to pay it go sit there time and get out and still don't pay it. So why make them sit in jail. It is not a crime. It's not a felony and it's not a misdemeanor so why treat it like they committed a crime? Please help me change this to help people stop missing out.