To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop the Violence

Having guns may be a constitutional right. But it's time for gun love to "go out of style. It's time for the passing of laws that protect our citizens from harm, and that curb gun owner's rights to own weapons capable of massive human destruction. It's time for laws that keep guns out of the hands of mentally ill and unstable individuals and crimials and to fund programs that foster programs to raise our children in stable environments with access to mental health assistance when needed. By signing this petition you are asking our lawmakers to stop the politics and take action to protect our children and all of our citizens from gun violence..

Why is this important?

Years ago it used to be "fashionable" to wear fur. For years animal enthusiasts have been "up in arms" over the kiling of animals for clothing and wearing fur is not just out of style, but frowned upon and stores selling real fur are few and far between. Yet, the mom of the killer of the children in Connecticutt was a "gun enthusiast", which is where the killer got his guns and no one bats an eye. How many children and adults need to die before being a gun enthusiast goes out of style??? How long before we stop accepting gun love and acknowledge guns for what they are, killers of our fellow human beings? How long before we are as unaccepting of collecting guns as we are of wearing a fur coat. Its time we put our children in as high priority as seals and fox and minks and stop accepting this violence as a way of life.