To: Maine Turnpike Authority

Stop the Western Maine Toll Hike

Stop the western Maine toll hike! We don't object to paying our fair share, but our tolls should not be subsidizing the rest of the turnpike. Any proposal to hike tolls should be considered by the legislature.

Why is this important?

Maine people across our state are struggling to make ends meet. The last thing we need is a toll hike that makes it harder to get to work or school. But now, if you live or work west of I-295, you will be asked to pay more just to drive to work each day. That’s right, the Maine Turnpike Authority is proposing to increase some tolls up to $7.00 round trip. It’s unfair to ask western Maine travelers to pay even more to go the same distance as those in southern Maine. We must stop this unfair toll hike. Sign on now to say no to the Western Maine Toll Hike!
