To: The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, and Governor Jay Inslee

Stop Tow Truck Companies from Towing away Automobiles and running up enourmous Bills on Tax Payers

Please set a maximum fee that Tow Companies can charge when they tow your car without notification. The fee should be based on a persons income, or personal wealth, and not exceed that amount.

Why is this important?

There is a Poor Minority Patriarch of the family, who's wife is in the Hospital on life support incurring financial ruin. They live on a fixed income, and have limited resources. They have no Budget for Medical Care, nor Tow Bills to be able to pay to get their only means of Transportation back. Their Family Automobile that helps provide trips to the Doctor, and Hospital for Medical Care.

When they finally received the help to locate, and try to claim their Family Automobile the price was beyond affordable and lost as a profit to the Tow Company.

They didn't have the Resources, or the money to get their Family Automobile back that was their only means to get around.

Transportation is a right. Don't let the Tow Industry take that right away.
