who says i need a job....temporarily? manufacturers are denying workers hire on positions after years of work as a temp. this is unfair and is being used to encorage nepatism hireing practices. as a temp working families are not viewed as having a job when it comes to home or auto loans. we need to get rid of these corperations that are feeding on working families.
Why is this important?
im a welder and in this field it is tuff to find a job becouse most companies have switched to a 90/10 work force. where 90%hire ons and 10% permanent temps. this does not sound like alot but it is becoming common practice to only hire the management/ suppervisors and have the workers as permanent temps. i have personally watched as companies would tell the temps (some of wich have been working at the companie for years) that there are no positions availabe as we watched a what i assume is a friend or familey member gets hired on off the street. this ruins what illusion of worker rights we have left and proves to be an unstable ground for working families to stand on.