Petition is successful with 241,273 signatures
To: Rupert Murdoch and FOX News
Fire Tucker Carlson
WE WON! Fox News and Tucker Carlson have officially parted ways. Thank you to the nearly 250k MoveOn members who signed the petition demanding Fox News fire Tucker Carlson. You were pivotal in this win.
This news comes a week after Fox News paid a settlement for knowingly spreading lies and conspiracy theories about the 2020 election to boost ratings and profit. Tucker Carlson has a history of promoting white supremacy, violent fantasies, and deadly disinformation and shouldn't have been given a platform to spread his hate to begin with. Carlson leaving Fox News is huge—but there's still more work to be done in the fight to hold Fox News accountable.
Our fight against Fox News is just beginning. Check out the Stop Funding Fox campaign to demand corporations stop doing business with Fox: