To: George P. Bush

STOP UnEthical Campaign Funding

NEW analysis reveals "energy companies have contributed at least $450,000 to Bush's campaign." How is that ethical?

John Cook will serve the people of Texas.
Bush will serve his campaign contributors.

Why is this important?

"I took a pledge not to accept contributions from people who benefited directly or indirectly from doing business with the General Land Office. I've sent thousand dollar checks back to avoid any perceived conflict of interest. For sure, most if not all the oil and gas contributors to Bush do business with the General Land Office for leases or pipeline ROW"

I am Now Reissuing This Pledge

Whereas the Texas Land Commissioner is the fiscal trustee for $29 billion in State assets, we the undersigned do petition the candidates for Texas Land Commissioner to agree to take the following ethics pledge:

“I will not accept campaign contributions from any individual who has profited directly or indirectly from doing business with the General Land Office of Texas and ;
I will return of any such campaign contributions that may have been unknowingly accepted once I am aware of the ethical conflict of accepting the contribution from individuals or PAC’s that have benefited directly or indirectly from doing business with the General Land Office of Texas.”

-John Cook
Democratic Nominee for Texas Land Commissioner