To: Gene W. Counihan, Chairman, WSSC, Chris Lawson, Vice Chair, Adrienne A. Mandel, Title or Position (optional), Dr. Roscoe M. Moore, Jr., Title or Position (optional), Mary Hopkins-Navies, Title or Position (optional), Antonio L. Jones, Ti...

STOP unstoppable WSSC Water Rate Increase

STOP WSSC Rate Increase!!!! Please join my petition to request
1. WSSC to operate more efficiently and stop the unstoppable rate hikes;
2. Revisit the anti-family-grow rate and change it to flat rate regardless household size.
3. More inviting budget meetings at a more populated locations such as Silver Spring, Rockville, and Bethesda for Montgomery County, which will lead to better public participation and collection of objective public opinions.

Why is this important?

If you live in Montgomery or Prince George County in Maryland, are you tired of your water bill going up unstoppably? WSSC has been increased water rate charge for last 7 years (2007-2013) that lead to an eye-popping 160% increase of rate (from $8.45 to $13.52 per unit, and from average $1000 to $1600 per year.) In addition, for families with bigger size, the increase rates are even higher than families with smaller size, which results in double charging for big families. There is no any other public utility service carriers increase rates in such irresonpsible way.
As a very conservative user and family, I personally see my bill from $60 per quarter (1 person) grew into $400 per quarter (4 persons), and will be $500 next bill with latest rate increase. Please join me to request
1. WSSC to operate more efficiently and stop the unstoppable rate hikes;
2. Revisit the anti-family-grow rate and change it to flat rate regardless household size.

If you want mor information, you can google related topic, especially at