To: Kenneth R. Meyers, The Wisconsin State House, The Wisconsin State Senate, and Governor Tony Evers
Stop US Cellular's Residential Cell Tower Construction
We, the undersigned, understand that construction of a new cell tower has been proposed and is in the planning process for the property of El Buen Samaritano Church, at 915 Magnolia Drive, Waukesha WI. We DO NOT support the construction of the tower. We would ask US Cellular to find an alternate location to place its cell tower or to renegotiate the current lease with Waukesha County instead of building a tower on this site. In addition, we ask the WI Legislation to modify the existing law to return the control of the approval of cell towers into the hands of the local municipalities.
Why is this important?
We are a group of concerned neighbors and constituents from all walks of life who stand together against this absurd cell tower construction. Our neighborhood would see property values plummet by upwards of 20% according to some studies. We believe that the homes of our neighborhood are more important than better 4g coverage.
We also believe that the church they are building the tower on has been taken for a ride because English is not their first language. We will not be bullied by a corporation and we will not allow our neighbors to be bullied either.
We also believe that the church they are building the tower on has been taken for a ride because English is not their first language. We will not be bullied by a corporation and we will not allow our neighbors to be bullied either.