To: Gayle Smith, President Obama’s advisor on global development

Stop US Funding of Tanzanian Land Grabs

Tell the Obama Administration to end its support for the New Alliance!

Why is this important?

Nearly $2 billion of US taxpayers’ money has been committed to the New Alliance, which was supposed to inject much-needed money into rural communities in Africa. But the New Alliance is threatening communities’ land rights. Right now, up to 1,300 people are set to lose their land and livelihoods in Tanzania, where an area of land the size of Washington D.C. is being grabbed for a plantation to produce sugar for biofuels.

Unless it’s stopped, the New Alliance will continue to push poor farmers off their land so big agribusinesses can take their place. That’s why we need your help to put pressure on the Obama Administration to scrap the New Alliance in the run up to the G8 Summit in June.

The Obama administration should be funding initiatives that help poor farmers in Africa, not ones that take away their land and livelihood!