To: President Donald Trump, The Arizona State House, The Arizona State Senate, Governor Doug Ducey, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop using Drinking water on Grass

Clean drinking water is one of our most precious resources, next to clean air. We are rapidly depleting this precious resource, to water grass to make it appear green. In the middle of arid climates, where our River resources are rapidly being depleted, this should be self evident. Though how many can readily see water being wasted daily, hourly and every minute just for aesthetic purposes. Grass should not be grown in arid climates, let alone be grown at the expense of depleting our precious rivers, wells, & aquifers.
Opt for arid, low water plants and desert landscaping, instead of grass, or opt for fake or synthetic lawns that never need water and provide the same aesthetic. Watering during the day is a losing battle when up to 50% or more of that water just evaporates. All watering should take place at night, at the very least, but we need to all understand that we should not be wasting our precious drinking water on grass. Take a stand and stop watering grass all together.

Why is this important?

Clean drinking water is one of our most precious resources, next to clean air. We are rapidly depleting this precious resource, to water grass to make it appear green. In the middle of arid climates, where our River resources are rapidly being depleted, this should be self evident. Though how many can readily see water being wasted daily, hourly and every minute just for aesthetic purposes? Grass should not be grown in arid climates, let alone be grown at the expense of depleting our precious rivers, wells, & aquifers. Take a stand and stop watering grass all together.