To: Nancy Clark

Stop Verizion Wireless from Charging to make bill Payments

As a loyal customer I feel like I already pay enough already (about $175) for two phones. This company gets enough of our money already and they need to start to apprieciate us as customers. If we are forced to pay a fee to give them money then Im sure there are better more customer service focused companies that deserve our business more. Please sign this petition of you feel that Verizon Wireless should not charge us extra to pay the bill.
If you have not heard here is what Verizon Wireless is planing on doing:

If you use a credit card to pay your Verizon Wireless bill, you can expect to be paying a new fee starting Jan. 15.
The company announced Thursday it will begin charging customers who make single bill payments online or by telephone a $2 "convenience fee."
"The fee will help allow us to continue to support these single bill payment options in these channels and is designed to address costs incurred by us for only those customers who choose to make single bill payments in alternate payment channels (online, mobile, telephone)," Verizon said a statement.
The move appeared to be an attempt to push customers to enroll in an automatic bill payment plan. Verizon said customers can waive the fee by paying by electronic check or enrolling in its "AutoPay" service.

Why is this important?

Verizon Wireless, the country's largest cellphone company, said Thursday that it will start charging $2 for every payment subscribers make over the phone or online with their credit cards.
The company said this "convenience fee" will be introduced Jan. 15.
The fee won't apply to electronic check payments or to automatic credit card payments set up through Verizon's AutoPay system. Paying by credit card in a Verizon store will also be free, as will mailing a check.
