To: Verizon Wireless


Recently Verizon announced that it will be ending unlimited data plans for those that have been grandfathered in order to generate more revenue. This comes on the tails of charging $30 just to upgrade to another device. "As attracting new customers grows more difficult, finding new ways to increase revenue from the customers Verizon already has is becoming the company's top priority." from that article. Let's not mention the fact that Verizon experienced a 13% increase in revenue over last year, having over $18 billion in revenue. This isn't enough? Verizon has become too big and have lost sight of what has made them successful. Between long waits at stores for customer service associates and these types of rate hikes, I for one, am fed up. It is time that the consumer unites for change.

Why is this important?

Verizon, a Fortune 500 Company, has announced that they will end unlimited data coverage at the time of upgrade for those previously grandfathered in under this plan. In tough econonic times companies need to give consumers a break.
