To: George Cardenas, Little Village Alderman, 12th Ward and Jason C. Ervin, Little Village Alderman, 28th Ward

Stop violence at the source: close the bars

The bars located at 2658 W 24th Street and 2402 S Washtenaw are a hotbed of gang and drug activity. These bars create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation for the law-abiding residents of our neighborhood and multiple elementary schools nearby.

We the residents, teachers and school employees of the Little Village neighborhood demand you take action to ensure our safety and that of our children by closing these bars.

Why is this important?

The shooting that occurred at Lorraine’s Lounge on October 2, 2013 was just the latest in a long series of incidents of violence and disruption directly related to these bars in our residential neighborhood.

The teachers and residents of the neighborhood want our corner back and demand that swift action be taken to help keep our otherwise peaceful neighborhood safe.