President Obama would have had many more votes if some of the states where there are Repub. governors had not engaged in voter suppression and in some instances fraud. For example: voters having to wait in line for as long as twelve hours in Florida and nearly as long in a number of other states, changing early voting targeting minorities, the handicapped, and bogus lists of voters said to be ineligible, groups signing up voters and destroying the paper work of those they knew would vote for the party they did not support, each state having vastly different methods of signing up voters new to their state, demanding photo ID's and making it impossible for some to obtain, etc., etc. Imagine a nation wide data base that would allow eligible voters to move to new locations and not have to go through the sometimes daunting process of re registering to vote.
Why is this important?
Vote rigging and voting suppression was rampant in most states run by republican governors. The Federal government should set up and operate elections for President, Senate and House. Most, maybe all states with Republican governors were guilty of practices that could fall under "poll taxes" and voter suppression.