To: The Ohio State House

Stop Voter Suppression in Ohio

Protect our elections: Vote NO on the new voter suppression bills — SB 205, SB 238, and SB 216.

Why is this important?

Voting rights are under attack in Ohio. Again!

Three new bills that are about to be voted on in the state House would once again make voting in Ohio harder and could jeopardize the 2014 election.

SB 205 would ban county clerks from sending out absentee ballot applications themselves, instead reserving that right only to Secretary of State Jon Husted.

SB 238 would shorten early voting and end Ohio's "Golden Week" during which voters can both register to vote and cast an early ballot

SB 216 would make it harder to cast provisional ballots

Together, these bills could prevent tens of thousands of Ohioan from participating in elections.

This attempt at voter suppression is wrong. Fair and free elections are the bedrock of our democracy and these bills, aimed at making participation harder, have no place in Ohio.

State legislators should stand up for democracy and vote NO on these three bills.

