To: The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, and Governor Tom Wolf

Stop Voter Suppression

Appeal voter suppression laws. Support civil rights law in respect to voting. Maintain democracy

Why is this important?

The voter ID laws that have been passed in twentysomething states are merely a revival of Jim Crow Laws and poll taxes. As a country, we have grown past these archaic, racist laws yet we have stumbled as a democracy when the powers to be can enact a law that is a subterfuge. The proponents of the law claim that there are fraudulent voters, yet in the past 12 years there has only been 13 proven attempts to misrepresent a voter's true identity. This law requires a voter to produce identification at the poll. If a voter does not have a driver's license, he/she must produce a state-verified voter ID which can only be obtained with #1...a birth certificate...and #2 a social security card ..#3 ... utility records showing past bills paid. A passport will also suffice though a passport currently costs $150 and expires after ten years. In Pennsylvania, 9.2% of the population currently will be banned from voting. A large number of that percentage are in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, both cities with large African-American populations. Representative Turzai recently...and proudly stated that the republican congress of Pennsylvania has successfully passed a voter ID law which in his words has thrown Pennsylvania into Governor Romney's camp. His words to the Republican State Committee in Hershey were directed toward the republican-dominated congress in which he stated, " Voter ID laws which are going to allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania...DONE! It is on tape...simply Google it. This petition is important in that on July 25th, the law will be review by the courts and hopefully will go before the state supreme court before the election. Please sign this petition to repeal this onerous law intended NOT to correct voter irregularity but merely a means to deny a segment of the population their constitutional right.