To: Governor Mike DeWine
STOP voting against your own ideals!
Take the pledge to STOP voting against your own ideals. Get informed on issues at each level, get involved & encourage others to do the same. Don't be like countless others who become reactive. Be proactive & STOP voting against your own ideals!
Why is this important?
With Republicans hiding behind the smoke screen of religion, they continue to push their own sick & twisted agendas. Why does this happen? Because we, the voters, vote them into these positions in office. We give them the hammer to hit us with yet we are outraged when these extremists do exactly what they told us they were going to do.
Do your homework, stay in the know & encorage others to do the same. Hence, STOP voting against your own ideals!
Do your homework, stay in the know & encorage others to do the same. Hence, STOP voting against your own ideals!