To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop Wage Theft. Employees work hard for their money and they trust their employers to pay them.

Stop wage theft! We shouldn't have to wait for the states to wait wage theft illegal. An employer taking an employees' wages is like robbing a bank. The employee did not give their consent to invest into the company they work for, and the employer does not have the right to force them into this decision.

Why is this important?

Wage theft affects millions of Americans across this country. From Blue collar workers to white collar executives. It is also a subject many want to ignore. Many of these employers like to cut corners competing and don't want to pay taxes. They also don't want to take financial responsibility and go down with the ship when they start having problems with their business. Oftentimes they need all the help they can get so they get their employees to invest into the company without the employees permission. They don't pay their employees on a regular basis. They continuously lie to their employees. Many of these employers belong in jail. I know because I was one of those employees. Make these employers pay because the employees shouldn't have too. It is just good business.