To: John G. Stumpf, Chairman, President and CEO, Howard I. Atkins, James M. Strother, Richard D. Levy, Mark C. Oman, David A. Hoyt, and David M. Carroll
Stop Wells Fargo from charging monthly service fees!
Dear Wells Fargo,
We, your customers and those of the public, would like you to remove the monthly service fees toward our accounts, that beginning May 4, 2012. During this economical slow down and mass unemployment, such fees violate the trust and loyalty you have toward the whole of us, your customer base. Our accounts have made you millions but now it is your turn to support us. We cannot afford to pay for more fees with the same service as we have been receiving. Many of us, former Wachovia account holders, had no choice in our acquisition of our accounts. But like typical financial institutions of the past, you insisted that your were on our side and would not change how we are served in our banking & saving needs. It is now time for you to prove that. If not, we will begin removing our money from your banks and taking our money to where it and we are honoured and respected for being the main contributors to why such an institute is in business.
So, our DEMANDS are clear. Stop the monthly service fees and show you care about your customers at a time when we need you most. Instead of gauge us while we all are trying to rebuild our economy from further collapse, assist us in our savings.
We, your customers and those of the public, would like you to remove the monthly service fees toward our accounts, that beginning May 4, 2012. During this economical slow down and mass unemployment, such fees violate the trust and loyalty you have toward the whole of us, your customer base. Our accounts have made you millions but now it is your turn to support us. We cannot afford to pay for more fees with the same service as we have been receiving. Many of us, former Wachovia account holders, had no choice in our acquisition of our accounts. But like typical financial institutions of the past, you insisted that your were on our side and would not change how we are served in our banking & saving needs. It is now time for you to prove that. If not, we will begin removing our money from your banks and taking our money to where it and we are honoured and respected for being the main contributors to why such an institute is in business.
So, our DEMANDS are clear. Stop the monthly service fees and show you care about your customers at a time when we need you most. Instead of gauge us while we all are trying to rebuild our economy from further collapse, assist us in our savings.
Why is this important?
Like Bank of America before them, Wells Fargo, who took over all the former Wachovia accounts, now wants to charge its customers a monthly fee. In this economy, we must fight this fee gauging by multi-trillion dollar financial institutions like Wells Fargo. Join in stopping them from this hijacking of our money and savings.