To: John Flint, Wood County Superintendent

Stop Wood County schools from shortening the kids summer

Family time and vacations are compromised when children are made to go back to school so early in the month of August. Most school systems in neighboring states don't go back until the last week in August. Some school systems don't go back until after Labor Day. I think this hurts children because they don't get to spend as much time with their family in the summer.

Why is this important?

I am starting this petition in order to prevent Wood County schools from taking the kids summer vacation away from them. They have already cut a month off their summer break and I feel the kids need to be able to enjoy their time off in order to be ready to start school and be ready to learn at the beginning of the next school year. I have been affected because I have 3 children who can't understand why they have to go back to school so early when they have relatives and friends that live in other school systems who don't have to start back until the end of August or after Labor Day.
