To: Honorable Brad King, State Attorney, Honorable Howard H. "Skip" Babbs, Public Defender, Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida, Honorable Brad King, State Attorney, Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida, President Donald Trump, The Florida State ...


Stop wrongful convictions now. Too many innocent citizens are in our prisons. DNA evidence has released some, yet too many still remain in prison.

Why is this important?

Wrongful convictions are at epidemic proportions! DNA evidence has released many innocent citizens. Prosecutor and police misconduct to close a case, and ensure a "high conviction" rate keeps this epidemic alive and well. In Florida, Harold W. Scism became victim to a wrongful conviction in 2009. He was given a life sentence for a crime that never occurred. There was no evidence nor DNA evidence. The prosecutor, known for her high conviction rate, was later given the judgeship. Enough is enough. STOP wrongful convictions NOW!!!
