To: Robert Reichert, Mayor and Gayle McClure, Property Manager

Stop Wrongful Evictions at Kingston Gardens Apartments in Macon, GA

Stop Wrongful Evictions conveyed in the form of retaliation/bullying, victimization, threats, warnings, and orders to refrain from protected activities and/or exercising rights as tenants.

Why is this important?

The aim of this petition is to minimize and/or stop repeated wrongful evictions by Kingston Gardens Apartments Management and also to create awareness about landlord harassment of tenants and tenant’s guests. These instances of harassment have been in the form of retaliation/bullying, victimization, threats, warnings, and orders to refrain from protected activities and/or exercising rights by Kingston Gardens Tenants. This conduct on Management’s behalf establishes actions of interference, intimidation, and coercion which are a direct violation of Kingston Garden’s lease. Management’s constant interference with the tenant’s right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises as a tenant also has created a hostile living environment with low morale for the Kingston Gardens Apartment community. This behavior has not only affected the tenants mentally and emotionally but tenant's families as well, which include innocent children.
Landlord harassment is the willing creation, by a landlord or his agents, of conditions that are uncomfortable for one or more tenants in order to induce willing abandonment of a rental contract. Victimization is the unfavorable treatment of someone because they have taken (or might be taking) action under the Equality Act or supporting somebody who is doing so. There have been many kinds of harassment and intimidation on Kingston Gardens Management’s behalf, including illegal evictions, utility shut-offs, and illegal entry into apartments without permission. Based on Kingston Gardens repeated failure of non-compliance with rental agreement and obligation to maintain premises, my family as well as other families have endured undue hardships.
The landlord/tenant relationships have been demolished, because of the continued fear of Kingston Gardens Management reprisal. The relationship is now a Landlord’s domination over Tenant and management has refused to exercise business practices in good faith. Kingston Gardens Tenants' fears and isolation from one another have allowed management to continue the harassment. The effects of landlord harassment can be devastating. Reporting harassment, victimization, and bullying requires courage and determination. Those who have suffered harassment, victimization and/or bullying may feel: A lack of confidence, loss of self¬-esteem, anxious, intimidated, threatened and humiliated, unable to deal with the situation, frustrated and angry, isolated and stressed, traumatized, loss of motivation, and depressed or physically ill.
We, the tenants of Kingston Gardens Apartment Community, request that management take action to correct these issues as well as take full responsibility for your actions. We would like to emphasize the frustration and agony that this has caused so many families due to Kingston Garden’s Apartments Management poor business practices and lack of responsibility to the tenants. Kingston Gardens Management has repeatedly failed to comply and adhere with HUD policies and procedures as well as regulations of their rental agreement. We would like you to understand the repercussions that you will face as a result of your misconduct that has caused devastating setbacks to the family dynamics of so many low-income families. We request the assurance from management of a collective bargain in our effort to reclaim a restored positive tenant/landlord relationship. Hopefully, the tenants of Kingston Gardens can regain trust in Management as well as a better quality of life.