More and more sexual abuse perpetrators are getting away with a slap on their wrists
Why is this important?
This is not only an ongoing issue worldwide, but it's neglected foremost. Child abusers-Pedophiles come from all walks of life. It's usually those who hide behind the cloak of normality and respectability within our communities who are the worst offenders of all as they will thrive on this respect and the control over their victim(s) in knowing that they can convince many others that the child is lying and/or looking for attention. Accusers are out on the streets still living a normal life, while these families are living with a life sentence that they had done to them. It is not these children's secret to keep but only the perpetrator monsters secret to try and protect. The memories of abuse will always, every day of the child's life, affect them. Children will be affected for the rest of their lives. Nightmares, not sleeping, bed wetting, therapy, full body medical exams, bloodwork for HIV and Std's; these poor babies. These pedophiles need harsher penalties, monitoring, full-term convictions, not plea bargains.