To: President Donald Trump, The Mississippi State House, The Mississippi State Senate, Governor Phil Bryant, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Strike Down MS Gun Law

I can't count how many young black people under the age of 25 have died from gun violence since this recent gun law was passed. Jackson is the capital of MS and the crimes have gotten a lot worse. You all are sitting back looking at this and doing NOTHING ABOUT IT! If you don't want opposition coming from another grass roots political party to overthrow the two political parties that I'm VERY DISGUSTED with, do something NOW! I'm sick of it and the people that will sign this petition is sick of it too!

Why is this important?

Like I previously stated, this is about saving the young people. It's time you start stop GIVING A DAMN and work towards another solution. If you don't give a damn, who gives a damn about what you trying to do on other issues. I certainly don't.