To: Charlottesville City Council, Members of Council
Strong Human Rights Commission
We the undersigned ask the Charlottesville City Council to create a Human Rights Commission modeled on the Prince William County Human Rights Commission. The Charlottesville Human Rights Commission should have the ability to enforce local anti-discrimination ordinances with the full authority allowed under the Virginia Human Rights Act and as done in Prince William County. The Commission should have the ability to conduct studies and hearings on issues of discrimination, race relations, and equity in Charlottesville and make policy recommendations to Council and engage in educational and training activities. Please enact such a Human Rights Commission now and fund it adequately.
Why is this important?
In order to end discrimination and improve fairness, Charlottesville needs a human rights commission with strong enforcement capabilities like the one in Prince William County. Our city council will decide on this on December 17th meeting. The Dialogue on Race Steering Committee endorsed this proposal in October 2011. It is finally time for action by our city council. Please support a Human Rights Commission with the ability to enforce anti-discrimination law, conduct studies and hearings, and perform educational and training out reach.