To: Mayor Vincent Gray, Chancellor Kaya Henderson, District of Columbia City Council, Ward 6 Councilmember Tommy Wells, and City Administrator Allen Lew

Stuart Hobson Modernization and Expansion

We, the undersigned, urge you to support full funding of $34.6 million over the next two years for the implementation of the Stuart Hobson Middle School Master Plan. The Master Plan was recently completed in partnership with DGS and DCPS, through the leadership of our School Improvement Team and with the extensive involvement of the community.
The existing building, which is over its current capacity with 420 students, is an architectural and historical gem with marble and glazed-brick walls, terrazzo-tile floors and a grand, but out of date, auditorium. The building is in severe disrepair: although stable, possesses major components that have exceeded their normal life expectancy and are in need of immediate replacement, including heating, plumbing and electrical systems. The old and small separate gymnasiums are not regulation size and the school does not have adequate outdoor recreation space. The school requires at a minimum all of the additional square feet of space provided in the master plan to meet federal and state education requirements, as well as its educational specifications as a Museum and Arts Integration School.
The District of Columbia’s current facility budget includes a total of $34.6 million allocated over the next 7 years which is way beyond standard capital improvement time frames. We request that the currently proposed funds from 2016 and 2019 be moved up to 2013 and 2014 to fund the complete development of the master plan, including configuring the north exterior area so that it can be used in its entirety as children recreation area with the code required parking beneath it. Not only will the construction be much more efficient and cost much less by doing this, but the long awaited school improvements for this great school will be less disruptive and have a much greater positive impact on our children
As the linchpin between the recently renovated and highly successful Elementary Schools and Eastern High School, Stuart Hobson will be key to the future success of public education in Ward 6. Your support for the full modernization of Stuart Hobson Middle School is of critical importance to our community.

Why is this important?

We need to let the Mayor and City Council know that the modernization and expansion of Stuart Hobson Middle School is of critical importance to our community. The city has allocated $34 million to Hobson in the capitol budget over the next 7 YEARS! We have a complete Master Plan for the school that can be implemented now for $34 million. We are asking that they move up the money allocated for Stuart Hobson so that the full Master Plan can be completed in the next 2 years.