Allow citizens to pay down their student loan debt by creating a program which enables working people to use pre-taxed income and apply it to the balances of their outstanding federal student loans.
Why is this important?
As with many other students, I am having a difficult time paying my student loans. With the every increasing prices of just about everything, it has been hard to make ends meet.
I am asking for politicians to create legislation which allows working people the opportunity to have pre-taxed income deducted from their paychecks and for the funds to be applied directly to Federal Student Loan balances.
I am not asking them for a "bailout", just an opportunity for me to pay them down with the money that I am earning.
I know pre-taxed contributions are removed for FLEX spending plans and retirement funds. I would like to request that students may take up to 12,000 a year in pre-taxed money that is electronically sent to the Federal Student Loans Department.
This is a solution that will help lower student loan defaults and allow working citizens to survive financially.