To: President Donald Trump

Student debt can ruin a generation and the country.

Develop regulation and strategies for dealing with the enormous student debt through a combined approach encompassing colleges and universities, lenders, state/local/federal agencies, students and others who can ameliorate current debt amounts and to correct future student loan lending policies and procedures.

Why is this important?

As a past college administrator, I am so concerned about the level of student debt in this country. Students have been led to borrow huge amounts of money often at for profit colleges without the placement statistics to give students a fighting chance at landing a job which will allow them to ever pay back their loan. They may never have enough money to own a home, buy a car or put anything away for their own retirement. Additionally, it becomes an albatross around their necks that affects their energy and capabilities to the detriment of the country as a whole. Without some way to defeat these loans through some form of civil service, loan forgiveness, employer incentives as part of a benefits package or other creative process an entire generation of citizens could be lost to poverty. Also, the vast size of the debt has the potential to become the next bubble to burst as graduates, unable to meet their pay back requirements default, the country could once again be facing an economy melt down.