To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Student loan debt

I know this has been crazy not what your looking for but I really like move on org and will be glad to chip in. Older people have been warned not to give personal info out in emails I think you would get a lot more money if you were to send envelopes out I will pay my postage.

Why is this important?

Students who are in debt to the tune of around 90,000.00. And there single mothers who stayed when dad left with girlfriend and knew if they went to Florida they were pretty sure would not be found and forced to pay child support. I was told by my lawyer in 1988 who was a politician the laws were made by men for men! This is a very long story but my youngest son was determined to get a education. He started going to college and working, getting grants until he was about 2 semesters away from his bachelors, there was no more help. I had no choice than to sighn for a private loan. Which at that time was about what Made in a year. Minimum wage didn't even count as poverty. It was below poverty. Now I 57 disabled drawing 622.00 a month for mortgage etc. hate the thought of dying with him owing his life to the filthy rich who cares about no one but there selves. I was not even told how or what to do if I ever mentioned college. I am pretty darn sure I won't be around as cosighner for that loan I had to sign to get my son enough time to get it started at around eight grand now he is paying it but I think it is around 13000 now. I don't know how to write a petition I would love to see something done about the criminals called other names at wal street and mega banks. I am drifting off to sleep but guess I just had to put my 2 cents in.
