To: President Donald Trump
Student Loan Forgiveness for the Permanently Disabled
Forgive student loans for the permanently disabled
Why is this important?
Student loan debt is crushing to those who are permanently disabled. They are unable to work due to their physical condition, and yet most banks and lenders STILL expect them to pay their debt. I personally am a 25-year-old Cystic Fibrosis patient who has been unemployed for four years due to my health. I am legally listed as permanently disabled, and have been on the lung transplant list for almost two years. But when I applied for loan forgiveness with my private and federal loans, I was DENIED. I will never be able to pay these loans, and when I die, which will happen even if I do get a lung transplant, I do NOT want my grieving family to have to pay the debt that I could never pay. Student loan debt should be FORGIVEN for the permanently disabled population.